Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

php Operators:

Operators are one of the important feature of every language. In php operators are classified in following categories:

Arithmetic Operators
Name Symbol Example Output
Addition + 2+2 4
Subtraction - 2-2 0
Division / 2/2 1
Multiplication * 2*2 4
Modulus % 2%2 0
Increment ++ let $x=2
Decrement -- let $y=5
Negation - let $a=2

Comparison Operator
Name Symbol Example Output
is equal = = 2= =2 True
is not equal != 2!=1 True
is not equal <> 2!=2 False
is greater than > 2>1 True
is less than < 3<4 True
is less than equal <= 2<=4 True
is greater than equal >= 2>=4 False

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